Our goal is to make subnets easy. For cloud based development, we have GoGoPro (Coming Soon!). If you want to develop locally, we have GoGoTools. With GoGoTools, you can:
You can download the latest binary from the GitHub Releases or you can build from source. Once you have the binary, move it to your PATH and rename it to ggt
To properly use GoGoTools, you should have Foundry and jq
installed as well. Foundry is a new Solidity toolchain written in Rust, and can be installed on Unix based systems with the following commands:
curl -L <https://foundry.paradigm.xyz> | bash
You can install jq using your preferred package manager. For example:
brew install jq
or on Ubuntu and Debian
sudo apt update && sudo apt install jq -y
Once all that is done, you can start using GoGoTools!
When you download the binary, it may pop up an error warning you about executing the binary that’s not signed. Simply go to your security settings and allow GoGoTools, and it should work afterwards without issue.
Create a new directory called mysubnet
mkdir mysubnet
cd mysubnet
Now we can initialize a new subnet!
ggt utils init v1.10.1 v0.5.1
ggt node prepare MyNode --ava-bin=avalanchego-v1.10.1 --vm-name=subnetevm --vm-bin=subnet-evm-v0.5.1